Don’t let your guard down. Follow these tips to help avoid falling victim to a scam.
- Don’t click on a link in an email or text from someone you don’t know or trust. Doing so could not only infect your computer with malicious software, but also allow access to your personal information .
- Be sure any email you receive is actually from who it says before you respond. Check for inconsistencies in the email address and errors throughout the email itself.
- Don’t give money to a caller who may be claiming to be a family member in trouble. Check it out before you act. Look up that friend or family’s phone number yourself. Call them or another family member to see what’s happening.
- Never give out your personal information to anyone through a text, over the phone or in an email.
There’s enough going on in the world right now without someone hacking your life. Think before you act, follow these simple steps and know what to look for. Don’t let scammers make you their victim in times of crisis.
Be prepared. Be vigilant. Protect your information. Protect yourself.